MELS 6th Grade Crew Fieldwork 2017 – Day 1

The students have arrived! They came off the bus with smiles and flashlights and spent the day getting to know their instructors and learning the lay of the land. Some groups will even camp out tonight! It was a fun day for all – stay tuned for more from the adventure. IMG_20170509_121003IMG_20170509_121008IMG_20170509_121015IMG_20170509_121020IMG_20170509_121127IMG_20170509_121219IMG_20170509_121236IMG_20170509_121526IMG_20170509_122804IMG_20170509_122805IMG_20170509_122808IMG_20170509_122840IMG_20170509_122846IMG_20170509_122858IMG_20170509_122902IMG_20170509_123105IMG_20170509_123203IMG_20170509_123208IMG_20170509_123210IMG_20170509_123218IMG_20170509_122802IMG_20170509_121257IMG_20170509_121308IMG_20170509_121316IMG_20170509_121324IMG_20170509_121332IMG_20170509_121340IMG_20170509_121350IMG_20170509_121353IMG_20170509_121401IMG_20170509_121416IMG_20170509_121501IMG_20170509_121720IMG_20170509_121740IMG_20170509_121938IMG_20170509_122020IMG_20170509_122030IMG_20170509_122040IMG_20170509_123222IMG_20170509_123229IMG_20170509_125303IMG_20170509_141720IMG_20170509_142045IMG_20170509_142048IMG_20170509_142155IMG_20170509_142200IMG_20170509_150754IMG_20170509_150809IMG_20170509_150814IMG_20170509_150831IMG_20170509_150849IMG_20170509_150858IMG_20170509_150906IMG_20170509_170354

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9 thoughts on “MELS 6th Grade Crew Fieldwork 2017 – Day 1

  1. This was shared with me by another parent. It would be great if all parents get the link and are able to hear how things are going. Our kids are very lucky to experience this.

  2. Awesome the kids are so happy and enjoying nature. Thank you for ths pictures, can you please upload more pictures thank you.

  3. Please.take.pic of all the kids, we.all looking to see.our kids, not the same kids over and over. Thank you

  4. I’m a current 8TH Grader at Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School (MELS), and I know lots of these students, and I hope they had a wonderful time in Upstate Fishkills New York on crew orientation, although I, myself couldn’t experience crew orientation when I was in 6TH Grade three years ago.

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